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Search & Book for
Metropolitan College of New York
off campus housing options

How it works?


You can easily search for hundreds of listings around your school, transit station and city.


Review the listings and profiles of the hosts or guests and match based on your housing needs.


Once the booking is approved, you can simply move in to your new home.

Metropolitan College of New York - mcny

off-campus housing options.

4stay offers

Metropolitan College of New York

students with a variety of housing and affordable rooms for rent around college campus. Anyone can easily search online for fully furnished apartments and all utilities included private rooms, shared rooms, and entire homes for a semester, a year, month-to-month, or short-term rentals. For those students who want to experience local culture, we have a homestay program. Also, students can find a roommate at

Metropolitan College of New York (mcny)

who are attending the same school, review & book their stays to become roommates. On 4stay, anyone who has fully furnished rooms or stays can post apartments for rent, houses for rent, and sublets for rent to students of

Metropolitan College of New York (mcny)


New York.

Whether you want to sublet or book a dorm room or stay in one of the student housing or student apartments or simply find a roommate, 4stay is your destination for off-campus housing. 4stay is like Airbnb for student housing or simply a roommate finder marketplace